Lo Kee


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Brad R

My more personal page!!

Well, I've now officailly been with the group for over a year now. I have seen people come in and out of this group and I can truely say, from the heart now, that I can't imagine the without the other guys being in the group. I love them all like brothers. We all definately deserve each other. If that makes sense?

I still work at the same place. However, my job title is a little vaige. I still wear a name tag that says supervisor, but I no longer dress in a shirt and a tie. Nor do I walk the dining room and talk to the patrons that frequent there. As well as, comp food and deal with employee related problems like I used to. Except...when I tend to be a little "nuts", I often hear, "You're a supervisor, act like it!". Explain that one to me sports fans. How can I be a supervisor when they don't let me perform my duties. Sorry, had to vent. Hey, at least you get to peer inside of my personal life right now, huh.

For those of you who, have just joined us...I am 24. I have brown hair and blue eyes. I am 5',11", and I am a Banana Republic poster child. I am the one in the group who would probably dress more out of sync then the rest. You know... hats, sunglasses in dark rooms, leather pants, etc. Matt is kinda like that but I think he's a lil more conservative though. That's an opinion.

I enjoy dancing, singing, and going to the clubs. We have a terrific club, called "Glow", out here in Ohio. If this tells you all how bad-ass this place is...I have a friend who has recently moved here from L.A.( why, I'll never know?!) who says that, 'going to "Glow" is like going to a club back home'. All kinds of DJ's, from all over the globe have come to spin here in the state of Ohio because of it's popularity. DJ's from Tel Aviv, England, Ireland, and others have brought the diversity of techno music to a new level here in Columbus that I never thought I would see. Did I mention, I'm a regular?

I also enjoy a little sketch artistry. In a few weeks, after we get the details worked out, Lo Kee will be having a contest to see what kind of art skills the fans have. We are gonna wanna see what kind of logos for our groups name and interpretations of us. We'll talk about that later.

I just wanna say, Rehl quick, I love all of the fans that have stayed with us over the last year. I can't ever put into words how much you all ahve meant to me and the rest of the group. So, and I speak for the rest of us, thanks. Thanks for the love, support, honesty, compliments, critizism, e-mails, guestbook signings, concert purchases, and all the ways you have been there that can't think of right now. Thank you.

NAME: Bradley Alan Rehl

D.O.B.: 9/20/76

HOMETOWN: Columbus, Ohio

TURN ONS: Hot ladies who aren't afraid to go nuts in public,
women who know how to be a lady and one of the
guys at the same time, nice clothes, and
TURN OFFS: Bad drivers, fake people, and people who judge
others by appearance. You don't know them and
you certainly don't know me!
HOBBIES: Dancing, singing, drawing, listening to music and
interpretive dance.(the last one was a joke,

B. Rehl
