Lo Kee
The Band
About Us
Jimmee Z
Chris C
Brad R
Ryan K
Matt M
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Bowling with Lo Kee
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Welcome to Lo Kee's NEW site!

<------Attention All: The links are over here to the left!!

Well, we had some problems with the site for a lil while. Due to some kinda technical error on the side Tripod has under control now. Man, it took forever to correct the problem though. It must have been terrible for all of our beautiful, trusting, and loyal fans out there! LOL!!!!!
So we also had to change some stuff on the site... so we added some new pics of the crew. Hope you like finally we got Ry Ry to take off a T-shirt and put on some dress clothes. Its like pullin' teeth with that kid!!!!! Some of the pics are still gonna be up, like the bowling night pics, but that's just because we like 'em. AIGHT!!!!!
It is also the decision of the group to change each of the profiles, too. Brad's profile hasn't changed in almost 7 mths. Same with Jimmee's and Matt's!!!! So it's time to give you a lil update. Gotta dust the cobwebs sometime.
So sit back and enjoy for those of you who actually care and have requested that we do something about the old stuff. Did I mention that we updated the site a lil?

Hey Peeps! Do us a favor and pleeeeeease sign our guest book down below. It only takes a sec!! For all of you that has already signed, thank you very much. We love hearing from you!!!


Brad R: Vocals, Lyrics, Co-Music Production
Jimmee Z: Vocals, Music Production, Co-lyrics
Matt M: Vocals
Chris C: Vocals
Ryan K: Vocals

Sign our guest book please!!

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