Lo Kee


The Band
About Us
Jimmee Z
Chris C
Brad R
Ryan K
Matt M
News and Gossip
Bowling with Lo Kee
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Music and Magic
News and Gossip

Here's the scoop...


The songs we have managed to digitaly record have been distributed as our first demo. Just go to the Song Clips page and read the instructions I've got posted on there first, then click the link to our site on MP3.com, where u can d/l some of our music located on that cd.

I know, I know!!!!!
It's been some time since we've added anything NEW to the site. Sure, it gets a little boring looking at the same things everytime you log on to the site from week to week.
We know you want something new and fresh to look at when you pass on the address to your friends an' family. So with the deepest of sincerity, I, Brad Rehl, apologize.
Without further pause I attempt to clue you all in on the new and,(for us), exciting events that have taken place in the last few weeks.

Oh and we would still like to give mad props to our buddy at Slaymaker Studios. Wasabi, Mike.

Don't forget the musical genius of Mr. Shane Farmer. I don't know if you've talked to Jimmee lately, man. If you haven't...make it a point to get ahold of us. We got alot to talk about. You would be excited for us. (tee, hee)

Slaymaker Studio

Contributed by Jimmee Z


Okay, I have hardly no idea where to start!!!

Well, on a personal level, our dear sweet friend, Matt, has left the basketball profession. His love and devotion for singing and the music world has led him to decide that sports had to take a backseat for a little while. We here at Lo Kee think that home is where you hang your hat. Matt, thanks for hanging your hat in the studio.

Next, there has been a huge turn of events in the creative department. Not only do we have our own original composures, lyrics and ideas...now we have the oppurtunity to work with a wide selection of more professional music producers, singers and song-writers.
We sent our first demo containing; "Don't Call", "Two", "This Party", and "You Already Know".(Not necessarily in that order.) The very next day, a representative from a major independent record label contacted us from Jimmee's cell-phone and gave a few short peices of HARDCORE advice. Thank you for the love at label which at this point, we will chose to keep nameless since we are kinda new at this and wanna keep it legal. Coolio?

Since then, our business is BOOMIN'!

Also, I would like to mention the fact that we have recently hired a vocal teacher for the group. We know we can sing, but it doesn't hurt to learn how to sing better as a group. The coaching can only make a stonger force in the future for our family. Ya know!!!!!!!!

Maybe...sometimes I'm a little TOO poetic!? I dunno, you tell me.

I, again, would like to say, "Sorry.", for not informing all of our devoted fans about this sooner. We get a little wrapped up in the fast pace of this biz sometimes. It happens so quickly...that if you take your concentration off of things for a minute...it will pass you by and we can't afford to miss the oppurtunity that waits for us.

So, once again you have the latest from the group. We can't wait to here from all of you in the future.

Thanks for loggin' back on and God bless.

Brad Rehl signin' off.

Ok, ok ...we admit it.
Ryan has never had facial hair, ever, and he doesn't shave either.
It was all a ruse to make all think that he's older and more sophisticated looking. Now you all know...are you happy...geez! Sorry, Ry. The cats out of the bag. We still love you, man!!!

Oh, and Matt has decided to just be a roady.
Thanks for the help, Matt.